North Yorkshire and Humberside Adult Critical Care Network

About us





The North Yorkshire & Humberside Adult Critical Care Operational Delivery Network covers Adult Critical Care and works closely with the North Yorkshire & Humberside Major Trauma Operational Delivery Network and its respective neighbouring Operational Delivery Networks for Adult Critical Care and Major Trauma.

The North Yorkshire & Humberside Adult Critical Care Operational Delivery Network was established in 2002 to work with and on behalf of its constituent member organisations and stakeholders and is supported by a formal Network Management Team.

Aim of the Network

The aim of the Network is to provide a co-ordinated approach to the provision of high quality effective care for adult critical care patients across North Yorkshire & Humberside.

The Network will aim to achieve this through the following mechanisms:

  • Ensure effective clinical flows through the provider systems, through clinical collaboration for network provision of services.
  • Take a whole system collaborative provision approach to ensuring the delivery of safe and effective services across the patient pathway, adding value for all its stakeholders.
  • Improve cross-organisational multi-professional clinical engagement to improve pathways of care.
  • Enable the development of consistent provider guidance and improved service standards, ensuring a consistent patient and family experience.
  • Focus on quality and effectiveness through facilitation of comparative benchmarking and auditing of services, through the national clinical audit with implementation of required improvements.
  • Fulfil a key role in assuring providers and commissioners of all aspects of quality, aswell as coordinating provider resources, to secure the best outcomes for patients across wide geographic areas.
  • Support capacity planning and activity monitoring with collaborative forecasting of demand, and matching of demand and supply.


Network Philosophy of Care

 Network Charter

Hospital Providers:

Hull University Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust

Hull Royal Infirmary

Castle Hill Hospital

York & Scarborough Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust

Scarborough Hospital

York Hospital

North Lincolnshire & Goole NHS Foundation Trust

Diana Princess Of Wales Hospital, Grimsby

Scunthorpe General Hospital

Ambulance Services

Yorkshire Ambulance Service (YAS)

East Midlands Ambulance Service (EMAS)

The Region is also served by Air Ambulances from Yorkshire Air Ambulance, Lincolnshire & Norttinghamshire Air Ambulance, Derbyshire, Leicestershire and Rutland Air Ambulance, Warwickshire and Northamptonshire Air Ambulance and Great North Air Ambulance. Prehospital providers also utilise the services of RAF Leconfield Search and Rescue Service.

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